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About Advisory Board

In addition to the Alumni Network, the KTH Real Estate Club board is excited to announce the KTH REC Advisory Board. The board consists of talented and ambitious previous board members with solid knowledge and experience within the industry. Together with our alumni ambassadors, the exclusive Advisory Board is a perfect complement to the organization.

The advisory board aims to help the organization gain new insights and advice to solve challenges or explore new opportunities by stimulating robust, high-quality conversations. The role of an Advisory Board is not to make decisions but rather to provide current knowledge, critical thinking, and analysis to increase the board of directions´ confidence.

KTH REC Advisory Board


Oscar Asplund


KTH REC Advisor

Titel: Transaction Analyst

Occupation: Atrium Ljungberg

Education: MSc Real Estate and Construction Management
Graduation year: 2018 
Active year in KTH REC: 2017-2018

Previous position in KTH REC: Member Relations

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Victor Holmen


KTH REC Advisor

Titel: Senior Associate | Consultant/Customer Success Manager

Occupation: Datscha

Education: BSc Real Estate and Finance
Graduation year: 2019
Active year in KTH REC: 2017-2019

Previous position in KTH REC: President

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Anna Edorson 


KTH REC Advisor

Titel: Analyst

Occupation: Lilleby bostad

Education: MSc Real Estate and Construction Management
Graduation year: est.2023 
Active year in KTH REC: 

Previous position in KTH REC: President


Måns Johansson


KTH REC Advisor

Titel: Associate

Occupation: Niam

Education: BSc Real Estate and Finance
Graduation year: 2019
Active year in KTH REC: 2018-2019

Previous position: Head of Case Competition

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Rodd Meshe


KTH REC Advisor

Titel: Equity Research Analyst

Occupation: Erik Penser Bank

Education: MSc Real Estate and Construction Management
Graduation year: 2018 
Active year in KTH REC: 2017-2018

Previous position in KTH REC: President

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